Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Areola Incision

In this technique the incision is made around the edge of the areola (the darker skin around the edge of the nipple), and according to surgeons, this allows for precise placement of the implant since the incision is in the close proximity to the treatment area. In addition, areola incision allows for the placement of the implants in various position in reference to the chest muscle; and like TUBA, areola incisions also leaves a small scar and it tends to heal well.

Three major cons are associated with this time of incision though:

1. If scars don’t heal properly, they may be very noticeable.
2. When placing the implant the muscles and connective tissue must be separated; otherwise the patient may feel great discomfort.
3. Patient may suffer from mastitis (breast infection), galactocele (milk-filled tumor), or galactorrhea (sudden milk production by a woman who isn’t pregnant nor has given birth); thus, decreasing her chances of nursing.

Nevertheless, areola breast incision is now the most popular choice among breast implant incision sites.

1 comment:

Ashmita said...

The areola breast implants incision method offers cosmetic plastic surgeons a great deal of control and versatility when placing implants.